sharing resources…

Need something to inspire you?

I recently updated my page on the ArtAxis website and subsequently ended up browsing through a selection of the artists listed there. It is a treasure trove of talent. As artists, we spend a lot of time in our studios with our heads down focused on what we are making, and I am always humbled when I take the time to break away from my own studio practice and look at the amazing work being created around the world. If you’re an artist or an art lover (especially of clay!), I highly recommend taking some time to explore this site. It’s well organized, beautifully presented and you can of course follow links to follow the artists on their respective social media channels and websites. Also, ArtAxis is a volunteer run non-profit, so you can drop them a donation too for all their work supporting artists and the arts.

sharing resources... | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture
photo credit: Crystal Birns

I also have to give a shout out to another resource that I love, The Ceramic School, they have online clay classes for all levels of ceramics. The world of ceramics is vast, from glaze recipes, to firing techniques to building tips and tricks, there is so much to learn. If you’re into working with clay but need more instruction or want to expand on what you already know, this is such a great resource. The online class I taught with them about using high-temperature wire in clay is available in their regular class listings and if you want to get an idea of what they offer, join in on the upcoming Clay Camp event with a series of live hand-building classes.

Check it out and get inspired!


Huge thank you to everyone who contributed to creating two scholarships for local students to attend my workshop at Barro Sur in Todos Santos, Baja Sur last week. We had a great time and the class created some amazing projects that were all inspired by the textures of nature. Steve Jacobi, owner of Barro Sur selected Nikoll Suset Vogas & Maythe Curiel as the recipients of the scholarships, both were thrilled to be able to participate in the workshop and were so fun to spend the weekend with. Nikoll has an agricultural engineering background with an interest in the environment and sustainable farming. Maythe is an industrial design student at UABN Mexicali and has been exploring the design of dinnerware, leaning towards a career in ceramics. Thank you for making this opportunity possible for them! 

Baja Bound…

In a few days, I’ll be headed off to our property in Todos Santos, Baja Sur to teach a weekend workshop all inspired by the desert, the ocean, the flora and the fruit of the area.

I’ll be posting photos and updates as it happens. Can’t wait to meet my students and play with clay at studio Barro Sur!

And a grande GRACIAS to all of you who donated to create two scholarships spots for inspiring local artists to attend my workshop! You guys are amazing!!

Raising Funds for Art Scholarship – Wanna Help?

I’ll be leading a weekend workshop at Barro Sur clay studio in Todos Santos, Baja Sur in November and I want to open a few spots in my class to some aspiring local artists who might not be able to pay for the class themselves.

Want to help me raise funds for them?

I’d love to raise $400 to cover two spaces in my workshop – this will cover the workshop fees and materials each artist would need to participate. If you’d like to help, you can donate any amount via the online shop here.

Thanks so much for sharing the gift of art with others!

Barro Sur is a full service ceramic studio with hand building and wheel throwing community clay classes in Todos Santos, Baja Sur, Mexico. You can follow them on IG to find out more.

Clay Classes Are Starting Soon!

Now’s the time to put clay class on your schedule for the Fall!Clay Classes Are Starting Soon! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Classes for Kids, Teens and Adults are available at the studio for a 9 week session this fall which starts next week. Join in on all or part of the session and be creative with clay! Home-school groups are welcome and flexible punch cards are available for adult group classes.


Summer Clay Class at Earth Art Studio!

Just a reminder!

There are a few spots still open for Summer Clay Classes for Kids and Teens!

And Adult Clay Classes are ongoing with space available!

Summer Clay Class at Earth Art Studio! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculptureSummer Schedule for Kids & Teens:

Session I: Tuesday, Wednesday OR Thursday, 12:30 – 4, June 13th thru July 13th*
Session II: Tuesday, Wednesday OR Thursday, 12:30 – 4, July 18th thru August 10th
Ages 7+, all materials are included in class fees, please bring a snack. $250.
*The studio is closed the week of July 3rd.

Spring/Summer Adult Clay Class Schedule:

May 9, 2017 – August 10, 2017 (no class the week of July 3rd)
Tuesdays 7 – 9pm
Thursdays 10am – 12pm
150./5 class punchcard