Thank You UPS…

thank you ups | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Being thankful for UPS is not part of my daily thoughts as I usually have more issues than gratefulness for the company but today I’m going to go out on a limb and say “Thank You UPS.”

You may remember earlier in the year there was a piece from the Bone Series that was on its way to NYC for an exhibit and it just never arrived, even though UPS said it did- it didn’t. It was a bummer to lose the piece, to not be able to be included in the show and to also have to battle the gauntlet of UPS claims department.

I processed the claim, dealt with multiple phone calls, emails, paperwork and random processing issues but after months passed, I pretty much considered it a loss. Much to my surprise, nearly 5 months later the battle has ended and I received my claim reimbursement check in the mail today. The irony is that it is for just shy of the same amount I still needed to help me cover my Iceland Residency fees. So, today I thank UPS for helping me get to the end of my fundraising needs and now my residency will be a reality. Wahoo!

All that said, if you still want to donate, you still can! Any extra funds will help me cover materials, getting artwork I make back to my studio and all the incidentals that I’m forgetting about but always add up. Thank you so much to everyone who has become a patron of the arts and made this happen for me. It takes a village to raise an artist and I’m so grateful for your support.

I look forward to sending out surprise gifts to all of you who contributed (and no, UPS isn’t getting one!).

Become a Patron Here…


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