Series Showcase: Specimen Series

The specimen series is a line of work that focuses on arrangements of organic shapes. The small wall mounted ceramic boxes create frames which both restrict and enhance the pieces that they contain. The forms contained inside the boxes are abstracted version of seeds, fungi, shells and bones but made entirely of clay and arranged in an intriguing composition. The forms in each clay box have been fused into place through the kiln firing process. I wanted these sculptures to have the feel of biological specimen collections often seen in museums, each cataloged and preserved. In my own life, I like to organize and box things up, it makes me feel in control of the things I own and this series translates that same idea of organization and categorization.

Each piece is uniquely hand-built and there are a limited number of pieces left in this series. All available works are in the SHOP.

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | specimen series | the dirt

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | specimen series | the dirt Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | specimen series | the dirt









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