Clay Class for Adults

In my experience as an art teacher for over 15 years, I’ve found that parents are quick to sign their kids for a clay class, but rarely do they give themselves the opportunity to be creative. And when adults finally do allow themselves that time, it becomes some of the most precious hours in their week; its a time to think less about the laundry, a time to challenge themselves with a new skill and a time to be ok with risking failure. My adult students surprise me everyday with what they are willing to take on even if they haven’t touched clay since kindergarten and the results are beautiful!

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”   ― Pablo Picasso

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | clay classes for adultsJenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | clay classes for adults Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | clay classes for adultsJenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | clay classes for adults







If you are interested in classes at the studio for yourself, you are welcome to join in at any time and no experience is necessary. There are opportunities to learn wheel throwing and hand building techniques through projects ideas I provide as we go through classes. And, you are also welcome to come and create your own ideas using my guidance to help you see your vision through. Come and get your hands dirty, I look forward to seeing you at the studio soon!
Click the link for more information….

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