New Installation Is In!

I’ve been posting a lot of photos about my upcoming installation of Umbel Series at the UCSC Arboretum for Art in the Arboretum but what I haven’t shared is that I’m also doing another installation as a part of this same exhibit- SURPRISE!

It went in yesterday and it’s pretty amazing!

New Installation Is In! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculptureHere’s a sneak peek at my new piece titled Tree Pools, it consists of 387 seed pod shaped ceramic pieces nestled around the trunks of a small grove of trees in rings. The rings mimic the ripples of water and the rings within a tree, tying earth and water together. Both of my installations are inspired by structures in nature and I’m excited to see how the installations change throughout the duration of the exhibit as the landscape changes seasonally.

New Installation Is In! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

This exhibit, curated by Susana Arias has 11 environmental installations and is going to be beautiful! The exhibit will be open from May 20th – Nov 17th with an opening reception for the artists May 20th from 3 – 6- join us in the garden to find where art & nature meet.


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