exciting news!

I’m happy to (finally!) share with you all that I will be making a large scale site specific installation at the Price Sculpture Forest on Whidbey Island in Washington State this year. I’ve been going back and forth with the owners for awhile now, but we’ve settled on a concept and a location in the park that we both think will be perfect for a powerful piece. Installation is set for the summer but I’ll be sharing my progress on this project with you as I go.

Inspired by the fungus of the Pacific North West, I’ll be creating a 12′ wide circular installation that will comprise of hundreds of ceramic forms. The shapes are based on shelf fungus forms and will be arranged to create a radial pattern reminiscent of the gills and spore patterns of mushrooms. The pieces will be staked into the ground with steel rod so that they float off the ground cover giving them an ethereal quality. Here is a photoshopped mock-up of my plans:

Conceptually, mushrooms speak of the cycle of life and death, since mycelium begins breaking down the dead waste in nature and the fruits of the mycelium (the mushroom) are the new growth that comes from it. The spores that are dropped from the mushroom gills, spread the growth and the cycle continues. Mycelium are some of the largest living organisms on earth stretching underground over miles of terrain creating networks of communication throughout the soil. This network makes them a symbol of growth through connection and how we are all connected to each other and to the systems and structures of nature.

The Price Sculpture Forest is 16.3 acres of preserved land with two walking loops through the property and a series of nature inspired sculptures placed throughout the forest. Visitors can use an app for a self-guided tour that will share with them each of the artworks, the artists thoughts and process on each piece. The forest is open everyday and free to visit, although, donations are always welcome.

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