first friday at radius gallery


It’s probably been a very long time since you experienced First Fridays in Santa Cruz, but now you can see my art in person at Radius Gallery this Friday March 5th from 6-9pm. Wear your mask, stay 6′ apart and be prepared to wait your turn to go into the exhibit, but it’s totally worth it! Enjoy!

Radius Gallery is located at the Tannery Arts Center in Studio #127 | 1050 River Street / Santa Cruz, CA / 95060

About the exhibit: 450 Pieces is an exhibition in partnership with Arts Council Santa Cruz, Radius Gallery, R. Blitzer Gallery, and Curated By The Sea. The show features over 450 pieces of original artwork by artist throughout Santa Cruz County. Last year in the height of the pandemic, the Arts Council created a new program called the Visual Arts Network to direct buyers and collectors to artists. Fast forward to today and we three galleries jumped on an opportunity to get the art in-house. 

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