Work in Progress: Bone Series

Just got the first batch of new bone pieces through the bisque firing and more are drying as I type. I plan on glazing these in a matte white to give them a soft even surface but I’m testing out a few options on some maquette pieces before I commit to glazing the final forms. I’m hoping not to lose the subtle textures in the clay with the thickness of the matte glazed surface.

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | work in progress bone series

Here’s how I’m planning on displaying them for an in the field installation most likely on a beach. I’d like to play with suspending these somehow for a gallery installation, but I’m going to have to doodle around with some ideas of the best way to make that work.

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | work in progress bone series

I love how once you have an idea in your head, you start seeing everywhere you go. We’ve had some pretty big storms lately and that has changed our beaches quite a bit, washing up all kinds of debris and detritus. The other day I found a piece of metal that was wedged in between some piers and buried in the sand just right so that from a distance it appeared to be a bone structure tapering from large to small just like my bone series pieces.

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | work in progress bone series

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