Relics of the Tide at The Compound Gallery

relics of the tide: a new exhibit by jenni ward

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | relics of the tide


July 18th-September 6th, 2015
Artist Reception: Saturday, July 18th, 2015  6-9

The Bone Series is a new line of ceramic sculpture that is focused on the remains of a form. The pieces are abstract interpretations of biological creatures that may have had fleshy fins, flanges or appendages, and these bone structures are all that remains after the flesh is gone.  Ward imagines that these pieces might have been discovered in the natural world and are the only clues to the past of what this creature might have been. These relics have been preserved for viewing.

The Compound Gallery
1167 65th st. Oakland, CA 94608
HOURS: Wed-Sun 12-7pm



Bone Series Installation Photos Are Up!

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | bone series installation photos are up


If you haven’t had a chance to get to the Sculpture IS: 2015 exhibit at Sierra Azul Gardens in Watsonville, you can check out a sneak peek of my Bone Series Installation here on the website.  View the portfolio…

The show is up until October 31st, so make sure to get out there and check out all the amazing work in the garden. Also, click the link to read the Santa Cruz Sentinel article about the show. Enjoy!

Series Showcase: Small Nests

jenni ward ceramic sculpture | nest series
Small sculptures can make a big impact on a space. These little nest pieces are hand held in size, they feel good to pick up and hold, like a found shell or stone. They are inspired by forms in nature, each piece hopes to find the place where art and nature meet. The nests are all handmade and have a small ceramic form fused on the inside that is protected by its outer ceramic shell. A variety of these unique small nests are available in the shop.




Garden Party at Sierra Azul

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | Garden Party at Sierra AzulGot some press today in the Santa Cruz Sentinel for my Bone Series at Sierra Azul’s Sculpture IS: 2015 exhibit! Such an amazing line up of artists in this exhibit, I’m so proud to be showing my work alongside them. The show is up until October, make sure that you get out there to see it!

ArtPrize 2015 Acceptance

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | hive series | in the field installationSo excited to announce that my Hive Series Installation was accepted at the 7th annual ArtPrize event in Grand Rapids, Michigan and my work will be shown at the Calvin College‘s (106) Gallery in downtown Grand Rapids!

This year ArtPrize runs from September 23 – October 11 and offers artists the opportunity to win more than $500,000 in awarded prizes. Half is decided by public vote and half decided by a jury of art experts. You might of seen the 2014 grand prize winner going viral on social media: Anila Quayyum Agha’s Intersections.

So if you’re in the Grand Rapids area, get out and rock the vote!


Repost Reminder: Sculpture IS: 2015 Opens Today!

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | Sculpture IS: 2015I’m so excited to once again be participating in the Sculpture IS exhibit at Sierra Azul Gardens this summer. It’s one of my favorite local exhibits and it incorporates art and nature beautifully. This year I’ll be doing a site specific installation of my Bone Series. If you were able to make it to the Spring Studio Sale a few weeks ago, you saw a mock up if the installation in the studio, I’m hoping that the garden and sky space will only enhance what is already so exciting about this installation. Hope to see you at the reception!



Sierra Azul Gardens
2660 East Lake Ave Watsonville CA
Exhibition dates June 1 – Oct 31
Artists reception June 11, 5 – 7 pm

For more information contact: Pajaro Valley Arts Council Gallery

Sculpture IS: 2015 Opening Reception

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | Sculpture IS: 2015 Opening receptionHope to see you Thursday June 11 from 5 – 7 pm for the opening of Sculpture IS: 2015 at Sierra Azul Gardens in Watsonville. My site specific installation of the Bone Series is up alongside a number of other beautiful sculptures nestled into the gardens.


Sierra Azul Gardens
2660 East Lake Ave Watsonville CA
Exhibition dates June 1 – Oct 31
Artists reception June 11, 5 – 7 pm

For more information contact: Pajaro Valley Arts Council Gallery



Another place where art & nature meet

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | another place where art & nature meetMany, many years ago, after seeing a profile in Sunset magazine, I contacted Sara & Ric of Wildwood Nursery in Sonoma to exhibit work in their sculpture garden. At the time I was creating stacked totem pieces, flower and bug inspired forms, they agreed to exhibit my work for a number of shows. It was a wonderful place to show my work and to meet with creative people. My work has evolved a lot since then and I haven’t shown work there in a long time but Sara has made sure to keep in touch. Wildwood Nursery is a beautiful sanctuary with rare plants in a five acre park-like setting nestled in the Valley of the Moon. They have over 150 different Japanese maples, 50 varieties of dogwoods, ginkgo bilobas and companion plants. You can order plants and trees in their online shop if you are not in the area but if you are in the area, I encourage you to visit and find the place where art & nature meet.

Wildwood Nursery | 10300 Sonoma Highway | Kenwood California  | 707.833.1161


Free Ebook!

jenni ward ceramic sculpture | a relationship with earth


I’ve just launched my book a relationship with earth as an ebook! If you JOIN my mailing list, you get the ebook for FREE! When you join the monthly event mailing list you’ll get musings on what’s going on in the studio, info on upcoming exhibitions, events and special offers. Hardcover books are still available in the shop.