Fingers Crossed

Off it goes! 200 pieces that make up my Hive Series installation are on the road destined for Artprize 2015. The piece will be showcased at the Calvin College (106) Gallery in downtown Grand Rapids Michigan. Fingers crossed that everything arrives safely AND that it finds a happy home in Michigan, so I don’t have to ship it back!

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | fingers crossedJenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | fingers crossed Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | fingers crossed

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2 thoughts on “Fingers Crossed

  1. Hi!

    I do hope you shipped the art to Grand Rapids, Michigan and not Cedar Rapids. Calvin College is in Grand Rapids. I am hoping that was a typo. Also, how long will the work be there? We will be there in late Sept.

    All the best,


    1. Hahaha! Yes, that was a typo, thanks for catching that one! The work will be up for the citywide Art Prize exhibition Sept 9th – Oct 11th, hope you can check it out!

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