Installation in Progress for Sculpture IS:

Sculpture IS: turns 10 and there are lots of events planned to celebrate!

Yesterday, I installed 3 pieces from the Vine Series at Pajaro Valley Arts Council Gallery for the “In the Gallery” exhibit of Sculpture IS, co-curated by the amazing and talented Susana Arias and Hedwig Heerschop. Ironically, made in 2006, these vines are also celebrating their 10 year anniversary too! I love the way these guys seem to crawl across the walls of the gallery.

This show is going to be incredible with over 80 unique sculptures making their way into the gallery. The show opens May 4 with a reception for the artists and demos on May 15th at the gallery.  But you don’t have to wait that long, come to the Artist Demos & Talks at Cabrillo Gallery on May 5th  12:30 – 3:30 to learn more about some of the incredible sculptors participating in this exhibit.

Demos by Jaime Abbott, Ingrid Marianne, Payson McNett, Cynthia Siegel, Victoria May, Angela Gleason and Beverly Rayner with artist talks by Rose Sellery, Cynthia Siegel, Roy Holmberg and myself. I’ll be giving a talk about my work, my inspiration and using nature as my gallery space. I hope to see you there!

Installation in Progress for Sculpture IS: | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

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