Summer Love!

Art Hearts | shop | Earth Art StudioA variety of new Art Hearts are now available in the online shop!


Choose from 12 different styles available as ornaments or on metal stems. Bring one as a housewarming gift around your favorite bottle for your next bbq! The perfect gift for your summer love!



Featured Work: Specimen Series

Sometimes it’s easy to forget about older works when there’s so much shiny new goodies coming out of the studio! So, I wanted to bring to light the last four remaining pieces from the Specimen Series. These little bento box style sculptures hold abstract forms reminiscent of the collection of rocks or shells that you keep near and dear. Each box has a small loop one the back for easy hanging. They are available in the online shop or if you want to see them in person, come to the Blue Umbrellas Art Fair next weekend! They may be a few years old, but they’re still treasures waiting to be added to your collection!

Featured Work: Specimen Series | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

When your series has a Gen 2…

I work in series. It’s a way for me to use a concept, process or technique and experiment with all the possible variables of those working parts. Generally, I come to an end with a series when I feel satisfied in my exploration or when the series evolves and changes so much that it develops into something completely new, occasionally I revisit a series years later with new inspiration.

I’ve been working in my Bone Series taking inspiration from the forms, textures and structures of bones for many years now with many different results. I don’t think that I’m anywhere close to being done with this exploration but I do think that I’ve created a second generation of this series- which seems weird to me.

When I was at my residency at the Buffalo Creek Art Center and I was experimenting with porcelain, I wasn’t really trying to make something, I was just experimenting with new materials and seeing how far I could push them. What I ended up with was what I’m now nicknaming the Gen 2 of my Bone Series.

Take a look at these two pieces side by side. The one on the left is from 2015 and was used in an In the Field Installation on a shipwreck in the Atlantic Ocean, it’s made from stoneware with a matte white glaze and has high temperature wire ‘tentacles’.  The one on the right is from last month, made from extremely thin porcelain, no glaze and also has high temperature wire ‘tentacles’. The two are totally different and totally the same. I’ve never had this happen in a series before and I’m not sure where this will lead but I really like the way it’s going so I’m going to follow…

When your series has a Gen 2... | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Wall Mounted Hive Success!

I had always wanted to try to get the Hive Series pieces on the wall and I thought it was possible but I had never really taken the time to experiment with wall mount designs. Well… I finally tried it and it worked! Here’s a little but of my process…

Wall Mounted Hive Success! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

First I mocked up a prototype on some scrap wood, it was nothing pretty and is not pictured here, but it helped me find the pattern of attachment points for each of the layers of ceramic pieces and it gave me confidence that the wire looping from the clay to the wood would actually hold them down. So moved forward and cut large circles for the base that the pieces would rest on, drilled holes for the wire loops, then sanded and painted them. Then one layer at a time I attached the pieces with the wire loops and did a dot of extra strength epoxy on the edge of the wood where the pieces rested not so much to keep them attached as much as to keep them from shifting position.

Wall Mounted Hive Success! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Once all the pieces were wired on and epoxied to hold their place, I added a second smaller circle of wood to the backs. This piece has the hole to hang on a screw on the wall and it also has three screws connecting it to the larger circle with small spacers in between the circles to allow space for the twists of wire. I think this gives them a clean backside hiding the wire ends while also floating them off the wall a little bit- which also makes them slightly easier to hang. And here’s the result…

These three are available in the online shop with free shipping in the US and three more will be added in a few weeks! Enjoy!!
Hive Series | shop | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Thank You UPS…

thank you ups | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Being thankful for UPS is not part of my daily thoughts as I usually have more issues than gratefulness for the company but today I’m going to go out on a limb and say “Thank You UPS.”

You may remember earlier in the year there was a piece from the Bone Series that was on its way to NYC for an exhibit and it just never arrived, even though UPS said it did- it didn’t. It was a bummer to lose the piece, to not be able to be included in the show and to also have to battle the gauntlet of UPS claims department.

I processed the claim, dealt with multiple phone calls, emails, paperwork and random processing issues but after months passed, I pretty much considered it a loss. Much to my surprise, nearly 5 months later the battle has ended and I received my claim reimbursement check in the mail today. The irony is that it is for just shy of the same amount I still needed to help me cover my Iceland Residency fees. So, today I thank UPS for helping me get to the end of my fundraising needs and now my residency will be a reality. Wahoo!

All that said, if you still want to donate, you still can! Any extra funds will help me cover materials, getting artwork I make back to my studio and all the incidentals that I’m forgetting about but always add up. Thank you so much to everyone who has become a patron of the arts and made this happen for me. It takes a village to raise an artist and I’m so grateful for your support.

I look forward to sending out surprise gifts to all of you who contributed (and no, UPS isn’t getting one!).

Become a Patron Here…


Getting Closer…

donate | shop | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture


Thanks to your amazing support, I’m in the home stretch of reaching my goal of $2500 to cover my expenses for my residency in Iceland! Want to help me raise the last bit?? Click here to Be A Patron!

Surprise creative gifts will be sent to all who donate upon my return from Iceland!

It takes a village to raise an artist and I’m so grateful for all the support!