Call for Photos!

A lot of art found new homes during Open Studios and I’d love to see where it ended up. Please share with me photos of my art in your space and I’ll feature it here on ‘the dirt’!

Call for Photos | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

I’m hoping to inspire others to see how art can enhance their space and make everything just feel good. I know that we don’t need art in the same way that we need food and clothing but I really believe that we need art to help us feel connected to others and the world at large. My home isn’t filled with stuff (I’m a minimalist at heart!) but it does have its fair share of art and those pieces are thoughtfully collected and some of the most important things that I own. Surrounding myself with art instead of stuff, means that everything has a story, a place or a person attached to it and I love that. I hope that my work gives you the same feeling and becomes a connected part of your home and life.  I’m looking forward to seeing our photos of my work in their new homes!

Call for Photos | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

A few photo specs:
Take a minute to look at your lighting and shadows and try to capture your shot at the best timing for lighting. Please make sure your photos are in focus. Move extraneous stuff (water bottle, tv remote etc…) out of the shot. I will resize and edit the photos for you, so just send me what you’ve got (original size) and also let me know if its ok to use your name along with your photos in my future posts and any other info you want to share about the pieces you’ve collected. Please email your photos to

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