Winner! Winner!

Winner Winner! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculptureEarth Art Studio students rocked at the Santa Cruz County Fair this year! We racked up the ribbons like champs with eight 1st place, twelve 2nd place, fifteen 3rd place and six Honorable Mentions in the sculpture and ceramics divisions of the youth Fine Arts Department! Amazing talent abounds with these little artists!

We are so lucky to of had this opportunity to show student work at the fair this year because the Fine Arts building almost didn’t open. Thanks to Donna Giubbini who took on running the department for one more year when no one else had stepped up to the task. Donna works tirelessly to make the fair happen and make sure that each piece of art is showcased with honor but help is needed for next year.

If anyone would like to lead or co-lead the Fine Arts department for next year, please contact the Fairgrounds. Volunteers are also needed to help receive the work, hang the show, assist during judging, monitor the building during fair hours and take down the show. High School students can get hours for community service by helping out at the fair too. If you’d like to be added to the volunteer contact list for next year, please contact Donna.

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