A Weekend in the Woods

We have been working on house projects weekend after weekend for a few months and this time, we finally escaped!
3 days in the woods… happy freakin’ camper!
A Weekend in the Woods | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

I’m not used to a lot of down time, generally I go and go and go. But for a good hour, I sat on this rock and watched my dog sniff around, watched my husband attempt to build a rock bridge across the creek, watched the sun move across the sky.

I’ve been working on an artist talk for an upcoming event, mainly explaining why I take my art outside. It’s hard to verbalize in a way that doesn’t seem silly but I think I feel the most connected here, the least lost. When I am connected to nature it inspires my work and when my work connects with nature, I find my place in the system. I’ll have to keep thinking about these concepts in order to really explain them for my talk but in the meantime, I’m just going to enjoy being here.
A Weekend in the Woods | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculptureGot this photo of our camp as it was getting dark under the redwoods and we had just turned on our solar lights. Everyone asks us about these, and I try to give some away whenever we travel to places where I know we’ll meet people that don’t have reliable electricity in their homes. (See my page about bringing books and solar lights to an orphanage in Haiti.) We love them, they work great and the company that makes them does good philanthropic work, so get some Luci Lights for yourself, get outside and reconnect with nature!

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2 thoughts on “A Weekend in the Woods

  1. love the Luci light as well as your art of course. Looking forward to seeing you in June. Linda

    1. Thanks Linda! Looking forward to seeing you too!

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