Video: Carving Hive Series

I’m making a few extra pieces for my Hive Series installation which will be exhibited at the Disjecta Contemporary Art Center in Portland for NCECA 2017. There are about 200 pieces that make up this installation but just in case some don’t survive the shipping, I thought a few extra would be a good idea. Here’s a quick video of the carving process to make the ends have a web-like structural feel to them. It’s the most time consuming part of the whole process, but the results are pretty beautiful! Enjoy…

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4 thoughts on “Video: Carving Hive Series

  1. What kind of clay do you use and you did them so well

    1. Thanks! I’m using a cone 6 stoneware clay

    2. What are these?

      1. They are parts for a ceramic art installation that was inspired by hive structures.

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