New Video: where art & nature meet exhibit

If you weren’t able to see this show in person, here’s a few of my favorite images from my solo exhibit at the Grants Pass Museum of Art in Grants Pass Oregon. The exhibit showcases seven installations from the Nest, Umbel, Relic, Lichen, Rock Candy, Bone & Hive Series. The works are all inspired by structures and patterns found in nature. These ideas are explored in abstract ceramic forms that are composed in a way that is deeply rooted to a sense of place. All of the installations are accompanied by photos of the works placed out in nature where they were first inspired by.

Video: Inspiration through Exploration: Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal

In the midst of having my solo show in Grants Pass Oregon and getting ready for two upcoming residencies, I snuck in a month long adventure to Bhutan, Sikkim India and Nepal. Have you noticed that I like my schedule completely overwhelmed!?!

While it may be overwhelming to my schedule, I believe that my time exploring the world outside of my studio is equally important to the development of my art work inside the studio. Engaging in Art, Nature & Travel are my three favorite ways to spend my time and they all connect together to inspire my work. This video shares just a few images from each country, and I hope that you find inspiration to travel, explore and connect with cultures different than your own. It will be interesting to see how these experiences find their way into my sculptures and installations in the future. Enjoy!

New Video: Time Lapse Installing the Rock Candy Series

I realize that my Dirt posts are time-lapse video heavy this week- sorry if it’s too much speedy craziness for you!- but it’s really the best way to share 3 full days of installing a show condensed down into mere seconds. And this one is kind of special because it’s the resolution of my total snafu.

On the morning of day one, I realized I left two boxes at my studio (a 7 hour drive away), BUT by the end of day one, thanks to my amazing studio assistant Nina, they were already packed up and on their way to me. They arrived at 4:30pm on day three and with the help of museum curator Mark they were up on the wall in less than an hour. An amazing recovery for what could of been an epic fail.

The show opens for April’s First Friday… wish me luck!

New Video: Work in Progress

I’ve been working on an installation of my Rock Candy Series for my upcoming solo show at the Grants Pass Museum of Art and thought I’d share a little video of the process. I made 100+ of these rocks, glazed them in a variety of bright colors and they will be installed in a ribbon of them wrapping around a wall in a section of the gallery interspersed with photos of them as they were installed ‘in the field’ at Joshua Tree National Park. I love how they start out as these lumpy potato shapes and end up angular and sharp – they’re just begging to be touched!