New Video: Time Lapse Installing the Rock Candy Series

I realize that my Dirt posts are time-lapse video heavy this week- sorry if it’s too much speedy craziness for you!- but it’s really the best way to share 3 full days of installing a show condensed down into mere seconds. And this one is kind of special because it’s the resolution of my total snafu.

On the morning of day one, I realized I left two boxes at my studio (a 7 hour drive away), BUT by the end of day one, thanks to my amazing studio assistant Nina, they were already packed up and on their way to me. They arrived at 4:30pm on day three and with the help of museum curator Mark they were up on the wall in less than an hour. An amazing recovery for what could of been an epic fail.

The show opens for April’s First Friday… wish me luck!

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