Sculpture IS: 2020

The one art event of the covid season that you can actually attend in person (with social distancing and a mask of course!) is PVAC’s Sculpture IS: 2020 at Sierra Azul Gardens in Watsonville. The exhibit opens July 1st and the garden will be filled with sculptures and is a wonderful place to stretch your legs as you cruise through the gardens.

relic series | objects | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

There will not be an opening reception this year for obvious reasons, but you can explore the show during normal business hours for Sierra Azul Nursery from July 1st – October 31st. I have 5 pieces from my Relic Series installed; they are ceramic rings tied with sinew and attached to slate bases. There are also just a few pieces from the Umbel Series hidden in the garden as well. Hope that you get a chance to check out my favorite show of the year!

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