Prep Day for the Atlantic Art Adventure

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | prep day Atlantic Art Adventure Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | prep day Atlantic Art Adventure Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | prep day Atlantic Art Adventure







Early tomorrow morning we meet at the boat, load the gear and head out to the Atlantic. The plan is to dive a wreck called The Dykes, an artificial reef off the Jersey Shore about 70′ down (yes there is good diving off the Jersey Shore!) and it’s where new work from my Bone Series will have its next photo shoot with photographer and friend Herb Segars.

In the beginning it seemed like a simple idea, just bring the work down, place it and photograph it but after lots of discussion with my crew (my husband Nate, my parents Beth & Wes and Herb’s wife Veronica) we realized that it was going to be a little more complicated getting us and fragile art to the bottom without breaking anything or putting ourselves in an unsafe situation. So today we devised a packing system for the art that will sink, protect the art, be easy to unpack and repack underwater while wearing thick gloves while remaining safe. This system includes lots of zip-ties, plastic tubs, rope and flexible cutting boards.

Wish us luck on this Atlantic Art Adventure!

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