Atlantic Art Adventure: Dive Day

The saying goes ‘A bad day diving is better than a good day at work’, this day worked out to be a little of both.

We prepped, we planned, we thought we had all of our ducks in a row and then just about everything we didn’t plan for happened. Every diver had something go wrong at some point from failed gear to forgotten gear to seasick bellies but as a good team always does, we adapted, switched gears and carried on to make it a very successful day diving and working! Have I mentioned that I love my job?

Here are a few images from the deck of the boat to tease you as the underwater shots get processed -I promise you they are worth the wait! In the meantime, check out Herb Segars beautiful underwater photos HERE. Enjoy!

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | Atlantic Art Adventure: Dive Day Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | Atlantic Art Adventure: Dive Day Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | Atlantic Art Adventure: Dive Day








on the deck photos: Wes Dalzell

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2 thoughts on “Atlantic Art Adventure: Dive Day

  1. Brisk,cold and plunging, into the deep…haven’t felt that in awhile. I hope you didn’t lose your pieces to the sea witch.

    1. The top was warm but it was pretty chilly 70′ down! All the pieces survived the dive- pretty amazing!

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