new residential installations

I have been so lucky to have collectors that give my art beautiful homes to live in. I spent a few days getting these last four pieces from the Vine Series and a framed Bone Series piece installed in their custom log cabin. This client has work from nearly every series I’ve created and I love how it looks as if every piece was designed specifically for their space.

Created in 2005, the Vine Series is practically vintage at this point, but they’ve never lost their luster for me. They grew outside my garage studio walls for years and I always loved having them there. Inspired by my time living in the woods, where the forest would take over and wrap around anything unmaintained or that stayed still for too long. I thought of these sculptures as if they were creatures with spines that allowed them to grow and move across the walls. Love that these guys get to live out their days here!

Looking for something unique for your space? Click here for some inspiration…

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