New Installations at Cin-Cin Wine Bar in Los Gatos!

In the midst of getting ready to leave for Iceland, prepping for Open Studios and having a slew of little pop up art events going on, I’ve also been getting ready for an installation at Cin-Cin Wine Bar & Restaurant in Los Gatos. This show will be up for about six months and includes work from the framed Bone Series pieces and a site specific installation of the Relic Series.

New Installations at Cin-Cin Wine Bar in Los Gatos! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

This space came with it’s own set of challenges but I think that I was able to over come them to create a really nice exhibit. Here’s a sneak peek of the work, but make sure to get down there and grab a glass of vino while you check out the art! And if you’re interested in purchasing any of these pieces for your own space, you can contact JCO’s Art Haus for details…

New Installations at Cin-Cin Wine Bar in Los Gatos! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Cin-Cin Wine Bar & Restaurant
368 Village Lane | Los Gatos CA
Exhibit Reception: October 24th, 6-8pm

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