My Art, Your Space: Henderson Family

I asked for you to send me photos of my art in your space, thanks to all of you that did! I’ll slowly be sharing them as posts in The Dirt. I love seeing where my art ends up and hearing why you connect with a piece. Thanks for sharing!

Here’s this weeks share from the Henderson Family:
The piece I have outside was a gift to my husband and he placed it right at the base of our front steps.  Every time I pull up to my house it is the first thing I see when I head toward the front door.  Even though it has lived in that spot for almost two years, it never ceases to surprise me which always makes me happy.

The three pods were also a gift to my hubs — one for each child we have together. They rest in a favorite antique bowl with some dried poppy seed pods from our garden.  I love the the combination of these organic shapes. People are drawn to them.

The bone piece, under the cloche, also draws a lot of interest.  It sits in moss gathered from our property and there are stones around it too, that have tiny fossils I collected at the beach. For me, it is a shape that represents the past & feels particularly personal.

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirtJenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt










If you have some of my work that you’d like to share, please email me!

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