My Art, Your Space: Arias-Kolb Family

I asked for you to send me photos of my art in your space, thanks to all of you that did! I’ll slowly be sharing them as posts in The Dirt. I love seeing where my art ends up and hearing why you connect with a piece. Thanks for sharing!

Here’s this weeks share from the Arias-Kolb Family:
Jenni, here are a couple of images of the sculpture of yours that I have on our wall. They are spectacular. Love your work. Great art appears effortless, but it makes you look at it again and again to understand what you see in it. Your work does that. 
Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt








If you have some of my work that you’d like to share, please email me!

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