Haitian Invasion

I’m so excited to see my favorite artist friends at Atis Rezistans (Resistant Artists) from Port-au-Prince Haiti here in California! My good friend Kathy Barbro who owns Art Projects for Kids and an art teacher in LA ran a campaign to get Romel Jean-Pierre, Claudel Casseus & Racine Polycarpe here to teach art at her school for a week. I’m sure that the kids at her school are so thrilled and had such fun art adventures this week. After the week is up, they are all road tripping up to Santa Cruz for a visit and I can’t wait! In addition to the three guys coming, it just happens that my friend Nadine Dolores Francois who runs an orphanage and girls empowerment program in Port-au-Prince will be here as well. This is her first trip to the US, so its extra exciting to have her here. You can learn more about my connections to Haiti and the projects that I’ve done there with these amazing people by checking out the Philanthropy Projects page. More pics to come of our epic art adventures during the Haitian Invasion week!

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | Haitian Invasion

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