go big

With no exhibits or big adventure plans on the docket these days, I’ve been keeping busy in the studio with mostly little projects and one BIG experiment. I figured that this is the best time to play and explore with out the worry of a deadline. So when I mentioned to my husband Nate that I wanted to try to make my hand-held-sized rock candy pieces big, like really big – he jumped on board to help me figure out how.

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | in the field | rock candy series

He came up with a contraption to help support the form and ultimately built one in wood first using the contraption as a support system for each of the panels. We rolled out thick slabs of clay, let them dry until they were stiff and then used the wood panels as templates for each plane of the new rock. We were able to get the whole thing together in a day, and while it’s got a few kinks that need to be worked out, it’s looking pretty good. This piece just barely fits in my kiln corner to corner, but I could go taller and still have it fit in the kiln, so we’re working on another template shape. I’m hoping that I can have a few different base forms that I can modify in the clay version so that they are all unique pieces in the end.

I also made a few medium sized pieces using paper templates. But I found that the paper models were too flexible and I ended up with slightly curved planes instead of flat ones. It’s a work in process, but I’m sure that I can figure out a way to make them this way too.

I’m hoping that the final forms could be used as unique low seating, as architectural elements in a garden, encrusted on a wall or even stacking them up like a totem with a steel rod on the inside, really the possibilities seem endless. But the real question is, what color should this first big baby be??

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8 thoughts on “go big

  1. Wonderful teamwork, you two.
    The wood templates worked beautifully.
    Is there a Santo Sans Cracks en Ceramico?
    When you say paper templates, do you mean cardboard?
    Keep up the Good Work.

    1. Thx!! Yes, I’ve tried paper or cardboard templates, but the wood ones work much better on this scale. I think drying and firing extra slow will help fix the crack problems… we’ll see… work in progress!

  2. I vote for a variety of colors, all would be eye catching and reflect each differently.
    Beautiful, fun work, just love everything you do.
    Stay healthy & happy!💕

  3. :)of course my vote would be for stone-metal grey;) but a stone-metal purple could be fun? big fan of yellow at the moment!
    you can’t go wrong with any color you choose – love it and can’t wait to see+~

    1. Good choices! We will see…

      1. I LOVE the bigger pieces just incredible

        1. Thank you!! Now if I can get them to survive without cracks!

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