The Gift of Sharing Art


The Gift of Sharing Art | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculptureI love getting and giving art as a gift, it’s always unique and very personal for the giver and receiver. Next best thing to getting actual artwork is a book about an artist and their work.

Art books are a great way to share an artist you love with your friends and family. They make the perfect gift and also help support the artists too.

My hardcover book ‘where art & nature meet’ can be ordered directly from my Blurb bookstore. This book chronicles all of my In the Field photoshoots from 2012 – 2015 and makes a unique gift for the art and nature lover in your life!

Don’t forget that you can also download a PDF version of my first book ‘a relationship with earth’ for FREE just by joining the mailing list.

Order your copy today and thanks for supporting independent artists!

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