Experiencing Technical Difficulties

It isn’t the first time I’ve used this title for a blog post and I’m sure it won’t be the last but this time was a doozy!

I’m sorry that there were no posts on ‘the dirt’ last week, I really would of loved to of shared in real time with you the new work I’m making, a new video I posted and a reminder about the awesome event I participated in this past weekend (and don’t worry, I’ll still share those things!) but my website was completely shut down for 5 days. I spent a good amount of those 5 days online with tech support, frantic with all the emails that kept bouncing and patiently holding off on pressing send on my applications for shows. These are the times when I wish the only part of my job was the one I’m really good at- having clay in my hands and that dealing with all the other aspects of running an art business were someone else’s responsibilities.

Experiencing Technical Difficulties | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculptureIt was also a lesson in how dependent I am on my website and when its down and you’re told that you may need to have a judge sign off on paperwork to prove that you are the owner of your site, it’s pretty daunting. There was a moment that I thought it would be down for months, which is pretty much death to a small business. I’ll spare you the dramatic and traumatic details but in the end through a series on back-ass ways and strangely enough a knowledgable and capable tech who recovered an email address that’s been defunct for over two years, I was able with the click of a mouse get my site back up again. I generally take things in stride but this time, tears of woe turned to tears of joy in an instant.

So, if you tried to contact me last week via email or you tried to buy something from the shop or share my work with a friend and you just couldn’t get through…magically, now you can. Thanks for your patience!

photo credit: Crystal Birns

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