exciting studio news!

Our exhibition proposal for the next NCECA was accepted! The NCECA (National Council on Education in the Ceramic Arts) conference will be held in Sacramento in March of 2022. If you are unfamiliar with the conference, the 3 day event hosts lectures, panels, demos and exhibitions all related to the field of ceramics. This will be the first time in 2 years that the conference is planned to be in person once again – so exciting to have this happening in our backyard.

Cynthia Siegel, Jenni Ward
Shannon Sullivan, Wesley Wright, Sue Whitmore

NCECA accepts proposals for concurrent exhibits to happen during the conference at neighboring galleries and art spaces and this year I’m thrilled to be co-curating and exhibiting my own work in one of those exhibits. Fellow ceramic artist Cynthia Siegel and I proposed an exhibit entitled, ‘This Is The Anthropocene.’ which aims to discuss the environmental crisis we are currently in through a variety of styles and approaches all using clay as the primary medium. We invited three other artists; Shannon Sullivan, Wesley Wright and Sue Whitmore to join us in exploring this concept. All of our work is so different in style, but will be tied together with the common thread of the status of our environment, I can’t wait to see it all in the same space.

More details about the conference, these artists and this exhibition will be coming as things get closer, so stay tuned!

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2 thoughts on “exciting studio news!

  1. So excited that our exhibition proposal was accepted by NCECA, Jenni!
    It’s been wonderful to work with you to create it.
    I’m very much looking forward to working with our group of five to bring our ideas together in the exhibition space.
    This Is The Anthropocene!

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