County Fair Fine Art Show

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | County Fair Fine Art ShowEvery year Earth Art Studio summer workshop students participate in an end of summer art exhibit. In past years we’ve shown work at local coffee shops, local libraries and last year we displayed our work in the Fine Art building at the county fair. Students received ribbons for participating and we had a number of students who placed with 1st, 2nd & 3rd place ribbons in the ceramics and sculpture categories- so exciting! So, we are doing that again this year, all the work is packed and labeled for delivery to the fair. The Santa Cruz County Fair is open September 16 – 20 so while you’re chowing down on your corn dog and taking a break from the carnival rides, make sure to swing through the Fine Arts building and check out all the creative talent our county has to offer.  See you at the fair!



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