Bodies of Water Exhibition

We are bodies of water, we are connected to and dependent on the ocean from the very beginning of life on planet earth to our current day. With all the creatures that inhabit the oceans, we are easily awestruck by the sighting of a whale sliding across the surface to breathe before sinking to mysterious depths with one tail flip. It is equally easy to forget what it takes to sustain such large creatures and what they in turn give back to their own ecosystems to maintain a cycle in balance. Planktons are defined as marine drifters and while extremely tiny compared to whales, they make up 90% of the mass of all marine life in the ocean. They are vital to sustain all life on our planet, they signal changes in our climate, and yet these microscopic creatures are often overlooked and rarely strike us with awe. This exhibit aims to highlight the unseen world of plankton, share the ecological importance of them and how we are all connected. 

Eloise Pickard Smith Gallery | University of California Santa Cruz

September 20 – December 3, 2022

Gallery Hours: 12 – 5 Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat & 1:30 – 7 Thurs

A parking pass can be acquired from the kiosk at the Bay St. campus entrance click here for a map

To purchase work from this exhibit: SHOP HERE

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