Work in Progress: Umbels Update

Work In Progress: Umbels Update | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

The Umbel Series project is in the final stretch! After hours of building and glazing, 200 of these crazy abstract flowers have become an army of spiky saffron yellow forms in my studio. The photo above shows each of the stages that these pieces have gone through, from left to right; dry clay, bisque fired, tips glazed with bright yellow, the whole piece glazed with a saffron yellow and the final product after the glaze firing.

Work In Progress: Umbels Update | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Ceramic Umbel flowers as far as the eye can see in my studio! It has become quite a production line to make these happen but I think the installation will be fantastic!

Work In Progress: Umbels Update | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Starting your day by opening a kiln full of bright yellow can really get you moving in the morning! Today we’ll be taking a few of them up to the UCSC Arboretum to test out the installation locations. The opening for this exhibit will be in late May, after that we’ll have a day for visitors to come and ‘pick their flowers’ so you can plant them in your own garden space.

Click here to learn more about this project…

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2 thoughts on “Work in Progress: Umbels Update

  1. that’s a lot of work congrats on completion

    1. Thanks Linda! It’s always exciting to see a big installation finally come together.

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