Work in Progress: Bone Series

With an upcoming solo show at the Grants Pass Museum of Art in April, I’ve been bouncing between a lot of projects in the studio these days. I plan to create 6 large installations for the exhibit and I’m making some new work as well as showcasing some older work. So I’m bouncing between making lots more Rock Candy pieces, more Lichen pieces, new Bone pieces and one more really new series that has yet to even be named. The Lichen and Rock Candy pieces all 500 of them total are now drying and awaiting their bisque firing. And I’m still working on the Bone Series pieces.

I am excited to share that I think I’ve solved some structural issues I’d been having with the Bone Series. I’ve been making these pieces for awhile but I’d get some stress cracks happening during the firing process at the joint of the flanges and I think I’ve solved that problem by using cardboard templates to help me keep the flanges together as 3 solid piece of clay rather than having 6 individual flanges connecting together. I haven’t fired them yet, but already they are stronger when assembling them and so far they show no signs of cracking. Fingers crossed…

Work in Progress: Bone Series | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Will let you know how things develop and if my template system was a success!

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