Week four of my residency at Buffalo Creek Art Center

This is my fourth and final week here on the ranch and it’s bittersweet to be leaving for sure.

Week four of my residency at Buffalo Creek Art Center | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

This week, the dream team of artists and art wranglers were treated to a bbq dinner on Lake Tahoe, enjoying good food, good company and an excellent sunset. Back in the studio, I created nine bone spheres encased in terracotta shells, they were a little bit of an experiment and I lost 3 in the firing but there is definitely some potential with those guys that I’m very excited about! I also finished assembling all the parts of my newest porcelain and terracotta Bone Series inspired pieces, photographed them, sold one and got the rest up in the online shop.

Today, I started packing things up and prepping myself for the journey back in normal life again and while it will probably take awhile to absorb it all, right now, I just have so much gratitude to Steve, Lana, Mel, Bill, Harry & Austen for making this a fantastic experience and especially for my husband Nate who’s been holding down the fort back home this whole time.

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