Video: Thanks Plankton

I’ve been sharing this video individually to people whom I’m trying to explain what my upcoming show is all about and why I’ve become fascinated with plankton beyond their beautiful skeletal structures. The video has gotten quite a few.. ‘huh’s and ‘I did not know that’s and ‘wow’s… so I thought I’d just share it with all of you. It’s quick, entertaining and educational… what more could you ask for?!?

And if you get really inspired, there are more videos about specific types of plankton with beautiful imagery here at the Plankton Chronicles. Enjoy!

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2 thoughts on “Video: Thanks Plankton

  1. I love this Plankton video! Ari told us in class the other night that large swaths of photosynthetic Plankton can actually be see from space. Thanks Plankton!

    1. Glad you checked it out and liked it! Seeing a plankton bloom from space is going to be part of my upcoming exhibit too!

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