outside scoop: 14

This week, outside the studio…

Bowie turned 2 on December 15th, so I took him to his own private beach to run and run and run until he couldn’t run anymore
sunsets at the studio can be pretty amazing sometimes, got the bonus of this owl sitting on the wire
A very urban Bay Area Ridge Trail hike, under 580 freeway and through neighborhoods, but we did still spy two coyotes
We spotted this meadow from an opposing ridge and wanted to try to find it, was fun working on our navigation skills to make it here.
One of my favorite Bay Area Ridge Trail hikes to date, this one was above Pacifica and one of the few places where you can see the bay on one side of the ridge and the Pacific on the other, there was also a lot of historical and military features on this hike.

The Outside Scoop is a weekly blog series that shares a little bit of what’s going on in my life outside of the studio. Please feel free to leave comments, I look forward to chatting with you here!

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