New Work!

I’ve completed a piece during my residency at Buffalo Creek Art Center and it’s now installed on the grounds as part of the permanent collection! You may remember me making an experimental Umbel form about a year ago and it was so tedious to make that I swore I wasn’t going to make another… Well, I did (actually 5 more) and I think that they came out better than the original, plus they have tiny beads of clay on the ends of all the wires making them even more tedious. I actually love how complex and fragile their structures appear while actually being quite sturdy pieces.
Click here to see more images of the pieces installed…umbel series | buffalo creek art center | installations | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

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2 thoughts on “New Work!

  1. Most amazing Jenni ! My favorite flowers are umbels for so many reasons including the architecture, that they attract beneficial insects and are so amazing to photograph with their depth, openness and so many are green, which was my moms favorite flower color.

    1. Thanks Ernie!
      My favorite is before the agapanthus opens and it’s just these ready to burst pods of vibrant green! Gotta love nature’s designs!

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