inspiration in exploration

I am very lucky to live in a place as beautiful as Santa Cruz County, every corner is filled with natural inspiration for artists. I try to take advantage of that everyday, typically in the form of a dog walk. My furry companion Indigo and I hit the beach, the creek, the woods- pretty much everyday we’re outside exploring somewhere, finding interesting things to inspire. Today I found a collection of bones that had washed up in a tangle of kelp from sea birds and seals. The forms are beautiful and sculptural. I brought a few back to the studio and took a look at them next to the work I’ve been making for my bone series. The image on the far right is my work in clay, the image next to it is a bird bone, the similarities are striking. This time spent exploring the natural world is so integral to my work, I love that my art takes me out of the studio as much as nature brings me back in and creates a working balance for me.

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | inspiration from explorationJenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | inspiration from explorationJenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | inspiration from explorationJenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | inspiration in exploration







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