Have you visited my website lately???

Have you visited my website lately??? | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculptureThis is the only Dirt post for the week, and that’s not because there is nothing to share! It’s because small upgrades have been happening on my website all week long, some will be visible changes and some are background changes but now it’s ready to share with you!

So if it’s been a while since you’ve been on my site, please take your time perusing my Installations, In the Field Installations in nature with videos of many of the installs or dive back into my Archived work for a blast from the past. It’s been fun even for me to revisit a lot of these pages that I hadn’t pulled up in quite some time.

Also! If you happen to find any glitches in my site, like layout issues or images not loading properly, please let me know so I can work out the kinks. Thanks and enjoy!


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