Goodbye California, Hello Iceland!

And I’m off!

I board a red-eye flight bound for Reykjavik tonight and probably by the time you read this I will have officially landed on Icelandic soil. After an overnight in the big city, I will be making my way across the island to the eastern side and eventually arrive in the small village of Stoovarfjordur.

Goodbye California, Hello Iceland! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture
I have everything I need for lots of hiking and exploring plus my studio tools packed and ready to go. I decided to bring clay with me in my checked luggage – which I’m sure will trigger a bag search- but since I’ve been working with a beautiful translucent porcelain, I wanted to make sure that I had the right materials to work with at the Fish Factory. If you want to follow along on a daily basis, I’ll be posting to my Instagram account regularly and I’ll be writing once a week posts right here on ‘the dirt’, so be sure to keep in touch while I’m gone!

I look forward to this amazing five week art adventure and thank everyone who donated to my residency with all my heart! You guys are the best!

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