Flashback Art Attack: Super Storm Sandy

These pieces were made for an installation piece in my senior exhibition in 1998. They were slip-cast from molds I had made of balloon forms and then fired in the salt chamber of the wood kiln to give them their toasty finish. They’ve affectionately been called ‘the bagels’. My parents have had these placed around in their yard and walkways for many years mixed in with the plants. When Super Storm Sandy hit the Jersey Shore a few years ago, my parents home was flooded and many things on their property washed away including these pieces. When the waters receded, debris was everywhere in their neighborhood, from garbage cans to jet skis to barbecues. As they began clean up and find things that were theirs, return things to others, slowly these ‘bagels’ were being returned to them from neighbors who recognized them. I believe that most were found and very few were damaged despite the churning waters they must of been spinning in. I’m always amazed at what ceramics can survive.

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | Flashback Art Attack: Super Storm Sandy Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | Flashback Art Attack: Super Storm Sandy










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