current status 6.0

If you missed it in my February email blast, I wanted to give you an update on life in the studio these days. I’ve started to get back into a routine of being in the studio all day again which feels pretty good.

I’m making some fun projects for the studio like signs and wall sconces for lights but also more Umbel flowers and smaller sculptures. And as for the logistics of the new studio; doors and windows have been ordered, solar bids are coming in, and the septic and the water systems are almost ready to connect, so we’re getting there. I’m taking my time picking out design choices for the bath and mini-kitchen areas so they will be awhile coming but I’d rather take my time and really enjoy the choices than rush just to get it done. I’m also planning on making a sculpture garden trail that will run through the property, so lots of fun projects ahead. Poco a poco…

On the horizon ahead, I’ve been invited by one of my neighbors to make a site specific ephemeral piece responding to their architectural work for an upcoming art event, should be very interesting! I’ve started mocking up some models for that, so we’ll see how it comes together.

And in early spring, I’ve planned to be teaching a hand-building clay class and a weekend workshop at Barro Sur, our local community clay studio. It’s a great space and it will be a great opportunity to engage with the community and meet more creative people.

On a personal note, we officially got our Mexican resident cards and drivers licenses so that feels pretty good. Now we’re learning about tax id numbers, opening bank accounts and getting work permits, not the super fun part, but we’re learning and everyday is a new adventure!

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