Ceramics as a Material

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | happy earth day!I have been asked over and over again in interviews “why clay?”, “why don’t you call yourself a potter?” and “what does it mean to be a ceramic sculptor?”.  I sympathize with this quote by David R Harper about working with a material like ceramics: “No one likes feeling like they belong on the outside and that they have to defend their material … especially when their material is older than any other material,” he says. “But we do.” This article is such a great discussion on the role ceramics as a material plays in the world of art and craft. Click the link to read on…

The new age of ceramics blurs the lines between art and craft
by LAURA BEESTON | The Globe and Mail
“In the world of ceramics, there has been a curious – and compelling – blurring of lines between art and craft. While contemporary artists embrace the medium and play with form, artisans are elevating everyday items to objets d’art”

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