big news!!! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculptureTypically, when you get a letter that starts off with the line “thank you for submitting your proposal, we had many qualified applicants…” you generally don’t need to read further to know that you didn’t get it. It happens. I apply for lots and lots of stuff that I don’t get and I’ve gotten fairly numb to the standard rejection letter. BUT…

I got an email this week that started off in just that manner from the Yingge Ceramics Museum in Taipei City Taiwan. I had applied to them months ago for a spot in their 2019 residency program that was specifically for a ceramic installation artist, it was a very long shot but I read a few lines further and (drum roll please….) I GOT IN!

This is a pretty big deal and a very competitive residency especially since all expenses for the artists are paid for, so I’m honored and thrilled that I will be spending 3 months in Taiwan next year working with the community to create a group installation.

Grateful for everyone who has supported my art career and allowed me to pursue my creative goals. Cheers to more art adventures!



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2 thoughts on “BIG NEWS!!!

  1. That is so fantastic – congratulations!!

    1. Thanks so much Sandy!

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