Artists Sharing Artists: India Maya

I met Rakel (aka India Maya) in the little town of Todos Santos, where I’ve recently bought some property. We met through a network of local artists at events she was participating in and hosting at her home studio. She was also kind enough to allow me to use her kiln to fire the work I was making during our stay in Baja. As I’ve gotten to know her, I’ve learned a little about her Mayan heritage and how she uses locally sourced clays (mixed with a little commercial clay) to make and fire her pots and beads to produce her work in the traditional Mayan ways. The results are burnished surfaces and smoke markings that make her work beautiful to hold and to look at. Her work is literally connected to the land and spiritually connected to her heritage.

Pienso que cuando la gente quiere llevar un recuerdo de Todos Santos buscan llevar algo auténtico y único, es la razón por la cual me gusta usar barro local, es una forma de llevar un pedacito de Todos Santos a tu hogar. Afecta de manera emocional en las personas, les encanta cuando les digo que el barro es local & ellos mismos se dan cuenta de lo auténtico que es mi arte. Es una forma de expresar lo orgullosa que estoy de mi linaje indígena y también es una forma de dejar nuestra huella. Es importante mantener nuestras raíces y el arte que mejor manera de hacerlo atravez del barro.

I think that when people want to have a souvenir of Todos Santos they seek to bring something authentic and unique, it is the reason why I like to use local clay, it is a way to bring a little piece of Todos Santos to your home. It effects people emotionally, they love it when I tell them that the clay is local & they themselves realize how authentic my art is. It is a way of expressing how proud I am of my indigenous lineage and it is also a way of leaving our mark. It is important to keep our roots to the art and the best way to do it is through the clay.

Learn more about India Maya’s work with this beautiful video designed by creative hub Mi-Zo Exchange who also operate CASA MA in Baja Sur, where they design & produce one of the kind furniture in collaboration with local artists:

Want add her work to your collection? Visit these shops in Todos Santos, BCS:

Galería Saguaro | Hecho a Mano | La Todosanteña

To learn more follow @arteindiamaya on IG

Artists Sharing Artists: is a series of posts where I share some of my favorite artists who are also inspired by nature and use their art to protect what they love. More artists coming soon…

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