Artist at work…


Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | blogOwning your own business as an artist can be a tricky balance between doing what you love and working to keep the business of what you love going. The other day, I had planned to get a little office work done and then spend the rest of the day in the studio. I knew that I had a kiln to unload, which meant lots of glazing to be done and then even maybe a reload of that work too- a busy studio day by any measure. But there is nothing like a flashing error code on the screen of your electric kiln as soon as you walk into the studio to reject the idea of making any progress at “working” today- one peek inside the kiln confirms that. A disaster of electrical proportions. Multiple trips to the ceramic supply store and many hours spent trying to channel my inner electrician, I’ve solved all the problems; cue sunset. I thought I got nothing done that day, but in retrospect, sometimes I make art, sometimes I mop floors and sometimes I fix kilns…artist at work.


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